1. One of my favorite things to do when I have free time is to blog stalk people or catch up on a TV series. Wow that kinda makes me sounds really lame .
2. When I have free time I tend to waste it. I need to be better about using it wisely but I'll get on my computer, then I'll get on Facebook, then I'll get on my blog, then I'll . . . you know how it goes .
3. If I had an entire day completely to myself I would start it off by sleeping in. Not too long because then I feel lazy, then I'd get up and get ready and then get in my car and drive somewhere cool. I've been having this urge to want to go to the Spiral Jetty in the Salt Lake, so I'm thinking I'd drive there with my camera. Dang, I really want a day all to myself now. .
4. I would prefer to spend my free time (alone or with others...) eh, it depends on what mood I'm in. I'm a creature who needs my alone time and I'm perfectly content with being by myself, but it is possible to have too much alone time and it's always nice to have friends there too .
5. Most of my free time happens rarely. Ok, well that hasn't been the case these last 3 weeks, but when school is in it's another story .
6. The best thing about free time is that it's yours and you can do whatever you want with it .
7. The next time I have free time I should probably clean my room and the kitchen but instead, I'll probably put it off, watch a movie, or chill with friends. Clearly much more fun .
great answers :)