Saturday, January 07, 2012


I am pretty excited because look at what is in my hand.  A freakin iPhone!  (Insert squeals of excitement here.)  So far it's been amazing.  I haven't done any weird auto corrects (yet), but I did send a bunch of people an "Love you too" text, including my ex-fiance.  Weird.

How did that happen?  Let me explain.  When I first got it I sent a mass text to a bunch of people in my phone so they would have my new number and if people replied back to that message everyone got those messages.  So my grandma sent me a message that says, "Thanks sanman - lov u!" and I reply "Love you too".  A couple minutes later my sister texted me and said, "Dear Grandma and Sam, I am pretty sure you sent that to a lot of people" and then a couple minutes after that I get a text from my ex-fiance, "What?"  Probably scared the crap outta him, haha.

I have been downloading apps like crazy! Anyone have any favorites?


  1. ...Jealous! So, so jealous!

  2. oh my gosh... hahah that is TOO funny. and yes i got that text love you too sammer ;)


  3. Hahaha, that's great. I've definitely pulled one of those too though, so you're not the only one.

  4. So jealous! I love Reeder, which allows you to access your google reader lists (if you use them) on your phone. Zombie farm is also a fun game. :)

  5. I wish I had an iphone so bad. I need to get with it

  6. HAHA best story ever!!!!!!!! hahaha


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