Saturday, August 13, 2011

Little sisters are the best

Friday night, Aubrey and I had a sleepover.  I went and picked her up and then we headed to Target to get treats, because what kind of sleepover is it if there isn't junk food.  We also tried on hats and took pictures of ourselves.

There is a bag at Target I have been eyeing f o r e v e r.  It was $40, and I couldn't bring myself to buy a bag I didn't really need for that much.  I kept watching for it to go on sale, and slowly the price went down.  Yesterday while I was there I saw it for $10.  Ya yeah!  Bought that baby!

After that we headed to my apartment and watched "The Little Mermaid" and ate our junk food.  Suprisingly enough, Aubrey was the one asking to go to bed.  Normally getting her to go to bed is a process that usually takes a few hours.  She is so cute when she's sleeping.

When we woke up, I convinced Aubrey to do Jillian Michael's with me.  She lasted about thirty seconds into the warm up and then she decided coloring would be more fun.  After that we went swimming in the pool at my apartment.

Then we went to Yogurtland.  I think trying to decide what flavor of yogurt to get and what toppings was the hardest decision she's ever had to make in her life.  She was in sugar heaven!  So I loaded her up with sugar and sent her home.

It was a pretty fun sleepover :)


  1. yay! you FINALLY got the bag. way to go on ten bucks. its super cute. i need a school bag, maybe they have more cute ones? i want to have a sleepover. send an invite my way pretty pretty please ;)


  2. can i come too please??? i love sleepovers. PLUS i've been in china lately so it'll coincide with your honour code...dumb BYU

  3. p.s. your sister is awesome. super amazing awesome. i'd take her hat over your orange one though...:)


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