Friday, December 10, 2010

Fill in the Blank

So yesterday I was visiting a blog and saw where it said "Click here to enter." So I did. But I'm thinking now I should've done the Fill in the Blank, and then entered it.  So here it is:

1.  I wish my car was fixed.  It's been out of commission since August.  The engine is sitting in our garage.  I've been driving the mini van lately, and I have to say, I hate it when I pull up and there's a cute guy next to me and we make eye contact and then I remember I'm in the minivan and he probably thinks I have six kids or something.

2.  Yesterday I  went to class and worked. I also  procrastinated studying.

3.  Today I will  do the studying I procrastinated yesterday. 

4.  Tomorrow I will  go on a blind date. That's a funny story.

5.  Maybe  it will snow! I sure hope so because I want a white Christmas.

6.  Someday my prince will come :)  

7.  I love our family quote wall.  It makes me happy everytime I read it.


  1. Good luck on your blind date! I went on one once, and long story short, that date led to me meeting my true love years later. You never know who will lead you to who!

  2. yay for blind dates!!!! woot woot. i better get a call when you get home . oh and that's a threat, not a suggestion :)


  3. funny story? pick me! and i love your quote wall too.

  4. well, my 15 year old sister set it up while she was at a birthday party for her friend haha. don't worry he's not 15, i asked.


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