Monday, November 29, 2010


So this past week was Thanksgiving break. The Thanksgiving season is always a great time of year to reflect on what I'm thankful for. I really am so lucky to be in the position I am, and have the people and things in my life that I do. I don't stop and think about it enough, so I'm glad we have a holiday were that's the whole point. It's really easy to get caught up in everything and only focus on the things that maybe aren't going so good. But it was nice to be able to really sit and think about what I am thankful for.

Thanksgiving this year was with my family. Briar was in Virginia :( but we talked to her on the phone at the table so that was good :)

So my mom was preparing the meal on Thanksgiving, and every year we always have a relish tray (my favorite part) where there are veggies and olives and pickles and crackers with dip, and that sort of stuff. So that had been made and my mom had started putting the food on the food table. All of a sudden we hear a crash. One of the legs on the table had come undone and all the food that was on the table fell on the floor! (Picture is on my Project 365) It was kinda funny. Luckily we hadn't put the potatoes or turkey or anything like that on there yet, it was just the relish tray and chips and dip and a few other things. Definitely made Thanksgiving a little more interesting.

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