Friday, September 23, 2011

Fill in the Blank because it's Friday!

1.   The best thing I did all week was     get caught up on all my homework and reading until next Tuesday.  It feels good to be ahead even if it's only for a minute.

2.    Getting new books      makes me super happy.

3.  Pets are   fun to have, but i'm not a fan of cleaning up their poo   .

4.    My family    is the best thing about my life.

5.  With the cooler weather I am looking forward to    cardigans, sweaters, halloween, my birthday, no more sweating because it's a million degrees outside, and the leaves changing color .

6.  Something that's on my "wish list" right now is    a new pair of shoes.  Two kinds. Running and regular.  Like a pair of black chucks.  Oh and a pair of church shoes.  So three kinds.  I hate buying shoes though.  Weird?  A little, I guess  .

7.  This weekend I am going to   work. That is the extent of my weekend plans at the moment .


  1. Getting new books makes me super happy too!! :)

  2. You don't like buying shoes?! I can't fathom what that feels like.

  3. sad you hate buying shoes! I'll come shop for you :) But seriously, good luck finding what you need!

    {I've got a Kate Spade giveaway going on right now & would love to see you there!}

  4. im uber (yes i just said uber) jealous of you being ahead on your reading.. wanna do some reading for me?? ps thanks for visiting me at work! you rock.



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