But I do have a funny story.
So back in May I moved back in with my family. A little after I moved in, my TV that I had gotten for the previous Christmas started having problems. The power would just turn off. There was no rhyme or reason to it, it would just randomly turn off. It would usually come back on, but sometimes it was a few minutes. Other times it was a few hours. I would check the power cord, plug it into different outlets, just about everything to see if I could get it working. I even contemplated going out and buying a new power cord, because I was 93% sure that was the problem. So this problem of my TV randomly deciding that it's going to turn off went on for about 7 months.
It hadn't happened in awhile, probably a couple months, but on Sunday it went off again. I went over to the power cord and started messing with it. I thought maybe it had a short and tried moving the cord around. My mom poked her head in to see what I was doing. She looked at my sister who was sitting on my bed and they started laughing. I thought they were just laughing at me because I was sitting behind my door messing with it.
(Now, it's important to know that right now most of my expensive, technological belongings are broken. My car. My computer. So the fact that my TV is wigging out again is just too much to bear.)
So then my mom comes into my room and she's laughing and she has this little black controller and she say's "watch" and clicks it and my TV turns on. She clicks it again. The TV turns off.
Apparently when I had moved in my dad thought it would be funny to hook up a power adapter thing to my TV cords and they had randomly been turning it off and on. They had seen my freaking out because it wasn't working and all the while they had been controlling it with a remote!! And the kicker: My whole family knew!! They had all been playing this prank on me!

Victory is theirs.
I have to hand it to them. That was a good one.
But if anyone knows of a really good prank to play, I'm all ears . . .
(Project 365 has been updated. I'm not a slacker. Being without a computer is really throwing off my groove.)
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