So Saturday me and my family + Alli's friend Ryan went to Lagoon. They do Frightmares and there were haunted houses and stuff like that set up. It was way fun. We left at noon and stayed at the park until it closed at ten (because as my mom said, (something to the effect of) "we paid for it and we're staying".) It was cold and rainy the whole day, so we were all wet, but it was sweet because there were hardly any lines! So we'd get off and then run around and go again. The guy at the Musical Express even let us stay on and we went 5 times in a row. Which I wouldn't recommend because you get pretty dizzy after being spun in a circle at a fast rate for about ten minutes straight.
This signs makes me laugh everytime. Really, who would sit on this? Apparently someone because there's a sign.
On a ride. That's why our faces look scary. Mostly Ashley's (hehe)

Ashley, Me, Alli, Ryan on the Musical Express. I probably went on this ride about 15 times total that day. That's a lot of spinning.
My Feet :)
holy crap! that last picture is so amazing.. pROFILE for sure LOVE IT!!!